A project of the Orthodox Union
Empower your students
with financial skills for life with our
3 New Curricula for Schools
Get the LSJ Financial Literacy curriculum for your students:
- A Personal Finance Curriculum for High School Students
Ready for pre-order! If you are interested in pre-ordering the new High School curriculum
with the student and teacher textbooks, please
Contact Us to Bring the Curriculum to Your SchoolDownload Sample Curriculum - Advanced High School Curriculum
Coming Soon. - Junior High Curriculum for 7th and 8th Grade
Coming Soon.
Whatever path they take, financial literacy will prepare your students for life
Whether they become a doctor, a Rebbi, a lawyer, or a plumber – all of your students will have to manage their finances.
The problem is, unless they learn it now, most of them never will.
And that’s why we’ve created…
The Living Smarter Jewish Curriculum
A comprehensive, course for high-school students – and ready for teachers to use.

What does the curriculum cover?
Budgeting and cash flow management
Money is glorified in society, but it’s really only a means to an ends
- The concept of money
- Cash-flow management
- Banking basics
- Financial circle of life
Debt management
Not all debt was created equal
- Good versus bad debt
- Mortgages
- Credit cards and their pitfalls
- Debt management
Once you have a family and home, you need to protect them
- Why you need insurance
- What it is
- How it works
Debt management
Not all debt was created equal
- How risk works – (no free lunches despite what TikTok promises)
- Investment versus speculation
- Compound interest
- Tax and investing

What is Living Smarter Jewish?
Living Smarter Jewish, a project of the Orthodox Union, was started to help frum families with their #1 shared challenge: the rising costs of a frum lifestyle. At the same time, we understand that financial problems don’t begin in a vacuum. If we can educate our students BEFORE they step out into the world, we’re empowering them to avoid pitfalls, make smart decisions, and be as successful as possible with the opportunities they have.